Cyber Insurance is dead. Long live Cyber Insurance.
Insurance premiums are rising, brokers are leaving, and ransomware has set everything on fire.
With this talk we’ll plot the path of cyber insurance over the years; how it morphed from its hopeful origins, the key aspects that drove that change (WannaCry, NotPetya, Mondelez) and the underlying flaw in the insurance industries (mis)calculations.
Finally, we’ll reflect on the original hope for what the insurance industry could do and what you as security experts and leaders can do to help your business when your Cyber Insurance policy comes up for review.
$ whoami⌗
I’m a security professional that leans towards GRC. I got my start in Tech working as a games (then technical) tester, hopping between industries (Sidhe, TVNZ, Orion Health). I did a six-year stint in London; riding the roller coaster of WannaCry, FinTechs and Covid and have recently returned home to join the team @ Quantum, where I’ve been getting to know NZ all over again.